"And Kevin Burdette, playing the self-infatuated poet Archibald in "Patience," showed off his plummy, Thomas Hampson-like voice-was he doing an impersonation, perchance?-and also his phenomenal agility. He held his own in a giddy song-and-dance routine with the West End veteran Michael Ball. I'm told that Burdette is deciding between a career in opera and law. As James Joyce's wife once said of her husband, he should stick to the singing." -New Yorker

"The City Opera is fortunate in its two competing suitors: Michael Ball as Bunthorne and Kevin Burdette as Grosvenor. Both sing beautifully, both are comic athletes, and both are capable of evoking real people out of egregious exaggeration . . . We keep thinking, "Too much, too much," and then Mr. Ball and Mr. Burdette appear and charm the pants off us." -New York Times

"It was strikingly obvious that the best of the lot was bass Kevin Burdette as Grosvenor. His instrument is rich and polished, especially in the lower register." -New York Sun

"[As] Bunthorne and Grosvenor . . . Jeffrey Lentz and Kevin Burdette were as nifty on their feet as they were adept in their singing." -New York Times

"As the vain Grosvenor, company favorite Kevin Burdette effectively countered with his slinky stage presence and whiplash bass-which is essential, since the milkmaid Patience is forced to choose between them. The two danced winningly in the patter number 'When I go out the door,' in which Grosvenor resolves to lose his fancy airs." -New York Newsday

"The words came tripping gaily from [among others] Kevin Burdette, whose Grosvenor was richly inflected and handsomely sung." -Opera Magazine (England)

"Another poet, Archibald, eventually arrives on the scene. He's played by bass Kevin Burdette, who gives the best singing of the night . . . And the best number of the night comes late in Act II when the two poets race through a dancing vocal duet." -Albany Times Union

"In their characterizations of the poet Bunthorne and his arch-rival Grosvenor, tenor Jeffrey Lentz and bass Kevin Burdette gave wonderfully true-to-form performances, with skilled voices that made their singing the difficult numbers seem effortless. A highlight of the show in both musical and dramatic terms was their Act II dialogue and duet ("When I Go Out of Door"), that also featured the best dance number of the piece." -Metroland Newsweekly

"Even if you're of the opinion that sitting through an entire G&S show-no matter how well done-is tiresome, the performances delivered by Ball and co-star Kevin Burdette as Reginald Bunthorne/Archibald Grosvenor could make a believer out of you." -NEXT Magazine

"A sleek Kevin Burdette possesses a heroic smile and a supple bass voice that gleams with equal appeal as the rival poet Grosvenor." -Newark Star Ledger

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