"Kevin Burdette, the cast's lone male, anchors an iridescent counterpoint of female voices with his implacable basso." -Justin Davidson, New York Magazine

"Kevin Burdette provided deft basso counterpoint, doubling as sombre prophet-in-residence and slick television interviewer." -Martin Bernheimer, Financial Times

"We see the isolation and drudgery of their lives and their total submission to the sexual will of their stern, self-righteous husband, chillingly portrayed by bass Kevin Burdette." -Mike Silverman, Huffington Post

"The Prophet, here the sturdy, compelling bass Kevin Burdette, is a man of utter rectitude and eerily calm authority who sees his family as a persecuted minority, just good folks trying to practice their religion." -Anthony Tommasini, New York Times

"Kevin Burdette was scarily self-righteous as the Prophet and appropriately smarmy as the newscaster who provokes Eliza's outburst." -Fred Cohn, Opera News

"This impressive cast made the most of their roles, especially Kevin Burdette as the Mormon husband and Caitlin Lynch as Eliza." -New York Times

"Kevin Burdette is the perfect prophet/ringleader. Righteously irksome with a noble bass and stealthy presence. As King the newscaster, he’s a study in chatty smarm." -Lesley Valdes, WRTI


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